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Monday, June 25, 2018

Daily wisdom

Perfection is what it is, not what we think it should be.

I wrote this quote almost two decades ago. But, what does it mean?

It means that we, as humans, expect perfection. From ourselves, from others, life, God, work, relationships. We strive for perfection. We complicate our lives, when really, we should be doing the opposite. We're adding to something that doesn't need adding to, when we should actually be taking away. Simplicity is really the closest thing to perfection there is, and funnily enough, simplicity is difficult to explain.

It's like taking 5+5 and turning it into a quantum equation. So, when life gets tough, when you want something so badly you think you're going to burst, step back, breathe, and instead of making a problem bigger by adding to it...

Use the eraser. Our minds tend to overcomplicate things. Life was meant to be enjoyed, to learn, to laugh, to love. Don't turn it into an maze.

Walk forward, smile, and smell the roses.

Note: I will post more bits of wisdom like this more frequently, so if you're interested, definitely comment and let me know.

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